July 9, 2020
how to freshen up after a workout without showering
Finding time to workout can be challenging enough without the added stress of cleaning up afterward. Admit it: When you hit up that cycling class before work or that hot yoga class before happy hour, you are not always willing to bask in a cold shower. And even if cold showers increase circulation and potentially boost weight-loss, it hits hard our sanity.
Should I skip my workout because of the cold shower?
I’ll take any excuse to skip a workout, and not having the possibility to take a hot shower is pretty low-hanging fruit – But for the sake of a toned, flat tummy and the elusive thigh gap, I knew I needed to find a solution for smelling fresh on the fly.
Without giving you too much information, let me just say: I sweat – Like, a lot. It doesn’t matter how long or how intense my workouts are; If I spend any period exerting myself physically, consider me drenched. That’s why it was so hard for me to believe that I didn’t need to shower after a workout to freshen up.
Needless to say, I couldn’t rely on just any run-of-the-mill baby powder or baby wipes to bring me back to life. I needed something with a little more oomph, and I needed it fast.
Whether it truly is a cold shower or your gym doesn’t have showers, all it takes is a little improvising to make sure your post-workout hygiene needs are in check. No, I’m not talking about some hippy-dippy, ’embrace the funk’ madness – I mean smart, convenient products that will make you (and those around you) much happier.
4 easy tricks to get fresh fast after a workout
Ok, so you squatted, you lifted, you ran, and your heart rate is through the roof – Now what? The good news: The hard part is already over! All you need to complete this sweat session are a few gym bag staples, and you’re ready to head to the office, the bar, or wherever else your day takes you. Here’s our top tips for staying fresh all day:
Use face wipes and body wipes to fool everyone
First things first – Use face wipes and body wipes to fool everyone into believing that you’re actually fresh out of the shower – Don’t worry, It’ll be our little secret. If you got super sweaty during your workout, no worries, just towel yourself off first and then use a body wipe for a clean slate. There’s no need to wait for the next open sink or shower, plus, think of all the extra space you’ll have in your gym bag without toting around a bulky face wash or other shower products! Not to toot our own horn, but our extra-large body wipes also contain powerful essential oils that help eliminate harmful bacteria while cooling the body down (see you never, blotchy redness).
Look and smell fresh by changing your clothes
In case this wasn’t already pretty obvious, please change your clothes. You can get away with skipping the shower, but don’t expect people to look the other way when you’re covered in sweat and stench. That leads me right into my next piece of advice – Don’t you dare leave that locker room without deodorant. Want to clear up even more space in that duffle? Give some of our innovative deodorant wipes a whirl! They’re safe for even the most sensitive skin and bring 24-hour protection with a side of grapefruit and ginger!
Clean your hair easily using a dry shampoo
Last but not least, a little dry shampoo (did you know there’s dry conditioner too?! *gasp*) and a cheeky updo will go a long way in making you look like you didn’t just get your butt kicked on the stair climber. My secret trick is to work out with braids in so that when you take them out, you’re left with waves so beautiful people might even think they were intentional!
Go make-up free at the gym
One final little preemptive tip: Go makeup-free at the gym. That way, you won’t be dealt the laborious task of taking it off before putting it back on, and you won’t look like a raccoon on the chase while you’re killing it on the treadmill.
With cleansing wipes, dry shampoo, deodorant wipes, and a little extra pep in your step, there’s absolutely no need to sacrifice your weight loss goals for freshness. These tips and tricks will ensure you’ve got nothing but time and extra space in your gym bag. Now go out there and live your best life – No shower required!
To put it in a nutshell
Finding time to workout can be challenging enough without the added stress of cleaning up afterward. Whether it truly is a lack of time, or heaven forbid that your gym doesn’t have showers, all it takes is a little improvising to make sure your post-workout hygiene needs are in check. You squatted, you lifted, you ran, and your heart rate is through the roof – All you need to complete this sweat session are a few gym bag staples, and you’re ready to head to the office, the bar, or wherever else your day takes you.
Using face wipes and body wipes is the absolute best option for staying clean without showering. There’s no need to wait for the next open sink or shower, plus, think of all the extra space you’ll have in your gym bag without toting around a bulky face wash or other shower products!
That leads me right into my next piece of advice – Don’t you dare leave that locker room without deodorant. Want to clear up even more space in that duffle? Give some of our innovative deodorant wipes a whirl! They’re safe for even the most sensitive skin and bring 24-hour protection with a side of grapefruit and ginger!
Last but not least, a little dry shampoo (did you know there’s dry conditioner too?! *gasp*) and a cheeky updo will go a long way in making you look like you didn’t just get your butt kicked on the stair climber.
One final little preemptive tip: Go makeup-free at the gym. That way, you won’t be dealt with the laborious task of taking it off before putting it back on.
With cleansing wipes, dry shampoo, deodorant wipes, and a little extra pep in your step, there’s absolutely no need to sacrifice your weight loss goals for freshness. Now go out there and live your best life – No shower required!